June 2015 Letter to Subscribers

June 2015 Letter to Subscribers

June, 2015
Dear Subscriber to www.kingdominbible.com,

I will list a few of the many events since my last newsletter.

  1. I had surgery on each hand for carpal tunnel syndrome. Now I can hold a telephone without my hand going to sleep, but I can sleep better each night.
  2. I finished and posted several studies. The new one on Hebrews provides a review of that book based on questions and answers.
Hebrews Review
(10 pages)
“Hebrews Review Questions”The Hebrew nation was the channel of God’s revelation to the world. The epistle reviewed here warned Hebrews not to turn back from His greatest revelation.PDF

My new study on Ephesians seemed needed because strong dispensationalists (as I used to be) misunderstand the “Mystery of Christ” and draw some wrong conclusions.

Ephesians, the Mystery of Christ in
(47 pp.)
“‘The Mystery of Christ’ in Ephesians”This revealed secret (so-called in Eph. & Col.) was the gospel preached by all the apostles and the reason Paul was chained. Not the church but clarifies its character & purpose—and affects many doctrines.PDF

  1. Teaching most of the Minor Prophets also helps me prepare to rewrite the kingdom survey.
  2. A level 3 tornado boomed through Van on May 10, destroying many trees and over 200 houses and buildings. Several friends lost their houses; it missed mine by yards as I took refuge in a closet. Here, in its May 15 form, is a report I was sending out after the Internet was restored.

The main tornado (of probably two or more) we had Sunday night (5/10) passed right next to my house going north, ruining over a hundred houses and some of the old school property, etc. Great numbers of downed trees disrupted power (two days for me), and flying debris covered many of our yards and streets. Another neighbor’s fallen tree has damaged one of my outbuildings—not urgent. My close friends the Takaches next to the other side of the tornado path had some windows blown out. Soon after the tornado passed, Paul drove over fallen lines, etc., to check on me! So far, I think only a man and his wife were fatalities. [About fifty injured.]

There is a great deal of cooperation in the community—and opportunities to be good neighbors and to witness. (Late Tuesday a neighbor brought a generator to save most of my fridge and freezer contents—and Wed. AM gave me a new cell phone! I still lack my landline—and have some sewage backup.) First Baptist Church is one principal control center plus temporary housing. There is a constant convoy, it seems, of bottled water and other necessities coming from other communities.

Midst all the loss, God is being glorified. Thanks for praying with and for us! I have shared Habakkuk 3:17-19 with several.

PS. I finally got plumbers to come and unclog my sewer lines. Am learning to use my new cell phone.

Back to June. The city still has many blocks of debris piled up to be removed; I have much brush and limbs next to the street. Am preparing for my tool shed and back fence to be replaced soon. But much of life is back to normal. I am writing on the Christian and the Law as another step toward redoing the kingdom survey. Always need reviewers, at least comments!

Yours for His glory,
John Hepp, Jr.

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