Report from John Hepp, January 2013

Report from John Hepp, Jr., January 2013

Happy New Year!  I hope you are happy and fruitful serving the King.  That you have unfeigned faith in Him and therefore make it a high priority to listen to His Word daily.  “Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart.”
How sad is our American decline in studying God’s Word and praying.  What a price we pay!  God promises real prosperity if we meditate on His Word day and night (Psalm 1).  But how can we meditate on it unless we read it and study it?  Is it any wonder what has happened to married couples in the church?  A great many do not read God’s Word and pray together—and have a divorce rate as bad as the world’s.
My website and searches.  I am grateful I can provide more and more of my Bible study helps free to the users, all in MS Word and PDF.  Some are also in HTML, with pop-up Scriptures and easy searches.  See the website managed by my son Brad:  It has drop-down menus at the top, then descriptions of all studies.  A new “Index” file under “Kingdom” gives links to many passages and topics relevant to that subject.  Also, you can do site-wide searches from the top right of any computer “page” on the site.  For example, I just typed in “Psalm 2” (with quote marks) and got excerpts from six documents with that phrase highlighted often.  I clicked one (the Hebrews Survey), then opened it in Word and searched (CTRL + F) for the same phrase.  For a website “page” already in HTML form, you don’t have to download the Word file or PDF; you can search within that page with your browser’s search shortcut (usually CTRL + F).
Current projects.  I turn 83 this month, am grateful that I can still care for myself and have dear friends nearby.  I still study the Bible and commentaries, mostly testing and sharpening my conclusions gained over the years.  Writing on various Bible books (as in the links below) keeps maturing my insights.  Once again, I hope to rewrite my major survey of the kingdom in the whole Bible!  Read my new three-page “digest” of what the Bible says about that subject.
When was the last time you heard a sermon about the New Covenant?  Or sang a hymn about it or about our Lord’s administering it as priest?  Yet, that’s what He wanted us to celebrate in the Lord’s Supper.  I’m finishing a five-lesson study of it.  Would you like to review it, that is, read it and give me feedback?  Let me know by email (reply to this email or use the contact form on my website).
Links to recently posted files

Yours for His glory,
John Hepp, Jr.

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